Tutorial: connect DS to AltWFC using VirtualBox + Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2017
United Kingdom
Can't believe I made it work with my limited knowledge. I successfully connected to AltWFC using a Windows XP virtual machine created by VirtualBox with a Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector, and managed to download all of the DLCs for the 5 Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship DS games (except for 2010 due to specific game-designed limitaitons). I know lots of people are here for real-time online play, but I'm just intrigued by how difficult it is to obtain the DLCs.
In this tutorial I have used (you can try other combinations but I can't guarantee it'll work):
Windows 10 (host machine)
VirtualBox 7.0.12 + extension pack
Wi-Fi connection (I have a WPA2-only router)
DS / 3DS (I ran a 3DSXL in DS mode)
Windows XP 32-bit (virtual machine) *I used SP3, don't know if I can link the download here as you also need a license key
Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector + software CD (I used the CD as I didn't bother learning how to move files from the host to the virtual machine)

1) create VM using VirtualBox, makes sure to select 1 CPU (I chose 4 and it didn't boot and I wasted a whole night), enable 3D acceleration in display settings to use hosts's GPU
2) insert Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector first, then the CD (troubleshooting refer to https://www.makeuseof.com/windows-virtualbox-add-usb/ and make sure add host CD drive to storage settings)
3) install the Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector program
4) only do step "Connecting to Wiimmfi" from https://gbatemp.net/threads/tutorial-how-to-connect-to-wiimmfi-using-nintendo-wifi-usb.575631/ but with AltWFC's server instead
5) no need to continue up to the point of changing the router's settings; we're not touching that at all
6) start any DS game with WFC and go to Nintendo Wi-Fi settings, choose the Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector option
7) if it doesn't work try changing the USB's angle (I recommend attaching with the included cable to acheive this, also to circumvent overheating) or moving the DS, or development server (ATM, you'll have to erase nintendo WFC configuration within "options" the first time you connect to the development server, otherwise it won't work somehow)

P.S. no ROM modification, action replay (even the WfcReplay v0.7 instructions wtihin AltWFC's github page) nor even WI-Fi port forwarding required (the less steps and the less tinkering the better, always!).
Last edited by R4ismychildhood,


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2018
You don't really need a virtual machine or Nintendo's Wi-Fi connector, though. A router with WEP support should work just as well. Some people just rely on smartphone hotspots.
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    i think you just need to turn framebuffer emulation off in rice video and it fixes the slowdown
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    hey red send me tutorial on how to rcm on phone noob
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  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @imafsiry, There should be a guide somewhere on GBAtemp.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    An app exists for Android called Rekado which is a payload injector for the RCM exploit to work. Don't know if it's still active.
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    Brb, and if not, good night
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    Requesting access to USB device...NotFoundError: Failed to execute 'requestDevice' on 'USB': No device selecte @
  • I @ imafsiry:
    thats what shows when i plug it in
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @imafsiry, What method? Phone or RCM Loader?
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    @imafsiry You just install Rekado to your phone and then plug your Switch into your phone when it's in RCM mode. Rekado should automatically pop up on your phone and ask which payload you want to send.
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    @imafsiry You can also set it to auto launch the payload of your choice so no user input is even necessary.
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    thats what i use also. works better if you launch hekate from rekado as you won't need to update the payload
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    as hekate launches the latest payload on the sd card (unless the sent payload is newer)
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