So i got a picofly modded switch and stupidly i just blanked the prodinfo and lost the backup with tinfoil.(no idea how cant remmember deleting it) Now im trying to restore it since the switch crashes with wifi on. Atmosphere had a backup i think of the bis and prodinfo file since it has the serial number at the start but i cant figure out if i can use this or not
I tried using nxnandmanager but i cant enter rcm mode to use tegrarcm to dump the bis keys to a text file since im sure its a patched switch thats been hardmodded
Any ideas of what i can do with the files i have?
I tried using nxnandmanager but i cant enter rcm mode to use tegrarcm to dump the bis keys to a text file since im sure its a patched switch thats been hardmodded
Any ideas of what i can do with the files i have?