It's all FAKE NEWS i tell you. Those results are the work of RINOs, fake MAGAs, and LOSERS. I'm winning BIGLY in ALL over the country and you are gonna be SHOCKED when you see it yourselfs come november. Shifty Adam Schiff, Cryin' Chuck Schumer, and Krazy Kamala Harris are all LYING to you about these FAKE polls. You can only TRUST polls from trusted sources like, NEWSMAX® ™, TRUTH SOCIAL® ™ and from other TRUMP® ™ approved sources. I'm the bravest, toughest, smartyiest and greatest president to have ever lived and will ever be. Would Sleepy Joe have raised his fist in the air like i did after my rally in pennsylvania. DONT THINK SO!
Here is the updated voter college, supplied by NEWSMAX® ™, and kindly funded by my good friend MIKE LIDDELL, a true great american PATRIOT.
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Here is the Donalds latest message about the polls on TRUTH SOCIAL®. Hilarious just how close it is to my message a couple of days ago. He should have just copied and pasted my message on there wouldve saved him some time that he could have used to read some Penthouse Black Label. Since the only books he reads are ones with pictures in them.