That explains everythingYeah. You think the country section was where I am now? No no no no I put that as my nationality, my race, my kind, all that.
And you know what, let me speak my opinions
Okay what part of his first term did he ever shown weakness that he would, "easily surrender" towards our biggest threats?
- Easily surrender US to Putin and/or Kim Jong-Un
And then there's every other part of the world who suddenly has a change of heart and becomes a pussy towards America now
Yeah no that was pretty embarrassing I'll give you that
- Not care about climate change (complained about clean wind energy or windmills decreasing bacon consumption, remember?)
Yet he gained more black votes than any republican candidate
- Discriminate non-white races and women
And the only women he discriminates is Rosie O'donnell
The illegal ones, starting with criminals (Which that's a big topic, because I do believe the immigrant system in America is pretty shit)
- Deport millions of immigrants (many of which are the backbone of many jobs and workforce)
There's still an unemployment rate in the US, labor is cheaper in other countries so many businesses would put their factories outside of the US and we're forced to pay a fine get those imports (Hence why prices here are up, more people are selling necessary goods outside while we're struggling in some areas where we don't have enough resources to keep up demand or labor to manufacture them) Tariffs would help us gain some profits, like 20% or so (Not the exaggeration 200% Trump claims as that would make every country go bankrupt)
- Increase prices on everything because of increased tariffs and letting greedy corporations to price gouge.
Project 2025, not written by Trump, written by enthusiasts and they're only ideas (A pretty terrible one though)
- Dismantle the Department of Education
Yeah I'll give you that one too
- Put all his opponents in jail like a dictator
From that one clip alone that the Kamala campaign constantly used, only time will tell on that one, but as of now the only reason it looks like the Rich pay less taxes than Middle class is because the middle class don't contribute much to the income tax receipts
- Tax cuts for his rich allies
Though more tax cuts would be really really really sweet (I mean who doesn't love no taxes?) And most importantly a better distribution of tax refunds
Why tho? And we're still under Trump's tax cut from 2017, the biggest one
- Tax increase on the middle-class
Because Obama Care has major issues and an increase of privatization would help each citizen get the right healthcare they need instead of receiving what everyone gets, though that's again a big topic to discuss so leave it up to debate
- Remove the Affordable Care Act
Oh like you looooooove the electoral college system instead, where our founding fathers designed it where only the powerful ones in real political power can vote (Remember 2004 where 1 vote went to "John Ewards"?)
- Possibly make it so that voting no longer has any power to elect anyone outside of his corrupt party.
Hell, the closest someone got to abolishing the system was a Republican (Nixon) but that killed by a filibuster
Hmmm you got a point