Hacking Trouble with qcma and connecting vita to pc correctly


Active Member
Aug 1, 2016
United States
Hello, with the release of henkaku, I finally dusted off my vita in order to manually update it to 3.60 using wololo's guide on it (current fw is 1.81), but i'm having some issues connecting my vita to my pc for some reason.

What I did first was install Qcma and the drivers which installed successfully, then I connected my vita to the pc with usb mode on and installed the drivers for that successfully too. But for some reason when I try refreshing the database on qcma, it says that 'no ps vita system is registered'. I even tried installing the latest version of CMA from sony's website and still nothing yet. Although it did ask me to update my vita when I opened up the CMA app for the first time, but it stopped after that.When I did try installing the update from pc, it asks me to connect the vita to the pc using usb even though it already is

Would there be a way to troubleshoot this?

Edit: I also forgot to mention that I had to restore my ps vita factory settings because I forgot my unlock password, so there isn't anything on it, and i'm not connected to a psn because I forgot the password for that as well, although I have one linked to this system, I just can't sign into it yet because I have to update the system first and have a password reset emailed to me afterwards
Last edited by blueyy,


Active Member
Aug 1, 2016
United States
I'll try that right now
edit: I don't believe that did anything, I have both Qcma and CMA opened up on my pc right now with the latest versions. And i'm trying to get my vita to be registered on it, but it won't for some reason. Even If I do try updating it through pc, it just asks to connect to the pc with a usb cable despite already doing that. And it is in airplane mode too

edit 2: I uninstalled all the drivers including CMA and qcma. I connected my vita and installed the drivers correctly under Portable Devices. Next I downloaded and installed an older version of CMA for pre 2.00, which was compatible and connected my vita to the CMA with my firmware (1.81). I wasn't able to open the CMA app inside the vita though because it kept asking me to update my system, but maybe it was because I was still in airplane mode.

Update: I went ahead and tried updating the system afterwards to 3.60 and I got it now!
Last edited by blueyy,

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