This might sound a bit entitled, but I want to share my thoughts on this.
I'd like to suggest that the likes/reactions, messages in the politics section to be treated like those with EOF posts.
Meaning that likes/reactions and messages in the Politics section should not count towards the XP system nor the levels system for the site.
Here's my reasoning:
There has been a noticeable increase of politics-related threads being created each day, even for the slightest of politics news or the usual topics that are meant to cause controversy.
With these topics in particular, there's a notable influx of the usual people from both sides throwing personal beliefs at each other.
I don't want to make this long, but to sum it up, they're nothing more than echo chambers for both sides of the spectrum to spam the like system between each other, and the fact that this happens with each new message each one of them posts doesn't help. So basically, not only are those topics made to create controversy to spam messages, but also to spam likes between both sides of the political spectrum.
Again, I don't want to sound harsh, or entitled, that is not my intention.
The point is that the XP system should incentivize members to create content that helps the site and its main purpose - gaming.
Be it with helpful tutorials, gaming news, helping members with doubts or setups, sharing files, saves, etc., and with those kind of sections adding up to the XP, it doesn't really create that incentive for others to participate in this matter.
Hope this isn't taken in a bad way, but I do hope this gets considered.
Thanks for those that took the time to read it.
I'd like to suggest that the likes/reactions, messages in the politics section to be treated like those with EOF posts.
Meaning that likes/reactions and messages in the Politics section should not count towards the XP system nor the levels system for the site.
Here's my reasoning:
There has been a noticeable increase of politics-related threads being created each day, even for the slightest of politics news or the usual topics that are meant to cause controversy.
With these topics in particular, there's a notable influx of the usual people from both sides throwing personal beliefs at each other.
I don't want to make this long, but to sum it up, they're nothing more than echo chambers for both sides of the spectrum to spam the like system between each other, and the fact that this happens with each new message each one of them posts doesn't help. So basically, not only are those topics made to create controversy to spam messages, but also to spam likes between both sides of the political spectrum.
Again, I don't want to sound harsh, or entitled, that is not my intention.
The point is that the XP system should incentivize members to create content that helps the site and its main purpose - gaming.
Be it with helpful tutorials, gaming news, helping members with doubts or setups, sharing files, saves, etc., and with those kind of sections adding up to the XP, it doesn't really create that incentive for others to participate in this matter.
Hope this isn't taken in a bad way, but I do hope this gets considered.
Thanks for those that took the time to read it.