Alright, I would have let it go but I understand now. The reason why
@Chary refuses to post real sources is that she is afraid that people may call her out for stealing other sites’ articles. In fact, before Chary joined the magazine staff, GBAtemp’s news articles always were properly credited, like other sites’, like they should. GBAtemp’s articles now - actually, only articles posted by Chary - lack journalistic integrity. Calling herself a “senior editor” is an insult to all magazine staff who came before her. She is the cancer that GBAtemp needs to get rid of in order to regain its journalistic credibility. Honestly I wouldn’t care what she does if I could put her in my ignore list to not be bothered by her stolen articles every time I visit the damn front page.
Plus that girl is still salty that a mere non-native english speaker like myself wrote better news posts with proper crediting than she ever did. That’s she reason why she likes to use the salt excuse whenever referring to me. To mask her own saltiness. Lulz.
Oh no.
Oh no, you're actually serious.
You're that salty.
You're that blind.
You're that bothered.
You're that
I guess you're not just rusty on Japanese, but also common sense and logic, too. I was gonna just ignore your little pathetic whining, but if you wanna tango, let's go.
You're so astronomically unsettled by being ousted from the magazine staff, that you've held onto a petty grudge against me for over a year. Which is amusing, because I was just giving your pathetically plagiarized attempts at writing some criticism. But oh well.
Before I joined the magstaff, the news was YouTube links without words, pun-filled casual pieces by Gahars, and highly opinionated snark from Guild. T-hug was the one to change all that, with Prans and I helping in that quest.
I don't call myself anything but my name, but Costello, T-hug, and Shaun all agreed on the role of Senior Editor. There's three more to add to your petty grudge list, I suppose!
You wanna talk stolen articles, eh? You really must be projecting hard. Every source I give is to the direct, initial, original announcement. Just because you're lacking some brain cells does not make the source incorrect. Unless you want to go call out literally every other news site ever. Please do point out even one piece of news that's plagiarized. Except you can't. You just cry about it instead, because YOU were the one found to be copy-pasting Siliconera's stuff word-for-word like the utter bumbling buffoon that you are. Scarlet, T-hug and I ALL called you out on that shameful display.
Ever since I said that you were salty for being ejected from the magstaff, you started using the word salty to refer to me. I guess that's all you can do, though. Copy others' words and claim they're your own.
You're walking a fine line, with every single member of the moderation and magstaff laughing at you whenever you open your fool mouth. Sit down, shut up, and for your own sake, CEASE.