but it is a post apocalyptic world, with mutated like zombies.
how else is it not going to be violent and gory?
its not going to be a camp fire all singing kum ba ya.
If it was all daises and flower tops then the game would suck balls, everyone would not buy into the apocalyptic setting it claims to be set.
fuck me in america you cant even have a hurricane without people looting and shooting, so im sure if you were to get past the gore and see that this would actually be possible if said events were to happen..... and this is why gamers like it, not because of the gore, because it pulls you into its story.... remember how the first took everyone by suprise during the first 10 mins?
people could sit there saying did we really need to see that happen, that went to far? not really because it was what built the games setting with joel and ellie.