Everybody (and I mean EVERYBODY, even expert Wii-U tool developers) says that a WUA file can't be converted back to extracted content (loadiine) because some metadata or encryption is lost during the conversion to WUA or something like that, however, and thanks to your humble comment I discovered that ZArchive in fact it CAN extract WUA content back to loadiine, and it works perfect in CEMU.
It's as easy as dragging the WUA file to zarchive.exe, or using it via command-line.
How is it possible that EVERYONE (except you at least, and of course probably few more people around there) ignores this information and creates misinformation by constantly stating that a WUA file cannot be extracted?. I have read dozens and dozens of comments in this forum from users asking how to decompress a WUA file (because I also have that need, so I started to investigate in depth) and the answer from those who claim to be experts is always the same: YOU CAN'T - even in posts of year 2023.
I don't want to sound arrogant or insolent, but I just find it incredible, I still don't understand this huge misinformation spreaded in every answer to the next question: "Can I extract the content of a WUA file?".
And finally, I want to thank you because I had no hope of finding a way to decompress a WUA, after hours of searching and reading (from people and developers insisting that WUA cannot be decompressed), until I read your comment.
The fact that CEMU doesn't provide a way to extract a WUA file it also may generate much more confusion. That is another thing I can't understand: the devs of that emulator provides a way to pack a folder as a WUA file but they don't provide a way to extract the generated WUA file?. What a devs... they don't event show a warning nor a visual cue (before you start the loadiine conversion to WUA) telling you that they don't support converting WUA back to loadiine in their own GUI for whatever reason.