I am trying to run Atmosphere 0.9.3 on my Switch (firmare 8.1.0). However, I can't get Atmosphere to start at all.
I followed the instructions on this video:
Here's hoping some of the experts here may have some advice. Thanks!
I followed the instructions on this video:
- Power off switch
- Format SD card to FAT32
- Copy over files/folders from Atmosphere 0.9.3 release (downloaded from GitHub)
- Put SD card in switch
- Run TegraRCM 2.6 GUI
- Install Driver from TegraRCM GUI 'Settings' tab
- Set TegraRCM payload to 'fusee-primary.bin' from the Atmosphere 0.9.3 release tag on github
- Boot to RCM mode (TegraRCM GUI log outputs: 'RCM Device detected')
- Click 'Inject Payload'
- 'Smashing the stack!
Smashed the stack with a 0x0000 byte SETUP request!
Payload successfully injected
Error while injecting payload (RC=-99)
RCM Device detected'
- Nothing happens, Switch screen stays black.
- atmosphere[directory]
- sept[directory]
- switch[directory]
- hbmenu.nro
Here's hoping some of the experts here may have some advice. Thanks!