You picked one sentence in a paragraph I wrote and claim my entire post was about that. you also keep putting words in my mouth that clearly were never said. let me say once again and try to pay attention. I never said he was banned. I said likely, which is appropriate considering if he were to update he'd be in danger, and I assume he doesn't have a nand back up since he received it modded.
and wtf, yes they nintendo "has the power" to ban the console.. not because of the update but because updating re-establishes a link to nintendo servers and logs are sent. The only bias one here is you.. sx os is dead, thats a fact, and the issue were discussing exists on all cfw so again your "sx os mastery" is irrelevant. Everything else I said about sx os is also fact. Your confusing facts for slander.
Nope Im picking out everything you typed b/c it has no place here. The information your spouting out does not help the OP boot up his payload.
The OP wants a
SOLUTION to his problem not a damn theory on bans and he never asked for atmosphere.
Believe what you want, but you aren't helping the OP at all here, your just rambling your opinions. Sxos support is dead, yet im still playing the latest games just fine... ofc you wouldn't know about that b/c you can't think for yourself and let others persuade you to jump on a bandwagon. Nobody asked what your beliefs and stance on the sxos are go create a discord or Reddit to make a shit post.
I just hope the Mods clean up this mess I'm not here to care about your whining and moaning on how you feel about it. You think just b/c a few ppl got caught and are in jail is going to stop me and others from using it? Your seriously stroking yourself right now. Do some more research then come back and talk to me properly. If your getting all this misinformation from that
Nintendo Ban thread lmao this convo was over after the 1st reply b/c that thread is nothing but "Fearmongering" at best to help prevent new users from hacking at all. Good day sir
Chaosta stated: "didnt say banned said likely banned
(That literally makes 0 sense btw
) Why not just say if you hack your switch your likely banned????
which is very true if you run pirated nsps on sysnand! if you boot ofw and your pirated games are still there, yea, thats ban worthy.
Nope its ban worthy if you attempt to play online with others with piracy, Having pirated game icons on the homescreen has no relation to a ban they aren't accessible on OFW to warrant a ban which derails your entire point. Back in 2018 I used to play my XCI's on CFW sysnand but was smart enough be offline while doing so. But was never banned booting to 6.02 OFW
which was the latest FW around that time.
Also explain to me why the hell is my Nintendo Account not banned on my Atmosphere & OLED Switch?
The very same account I used on my sxos which also got a game ban from using a shared Smash brothers Ultimate Save file............ with your statement that means all 3 of my switch's should be banned now lol Hell my Atmoshere Switch has Tinfoil installed on the sysnand still not banned for a year so far.
"Sxos mastery is irrelevant" It couldn't be more irrelevant than your useless bickering on a thread about a sxos dongle not working
. So why are you here in this thread? You literally have nothing to offer to help
see the picture below
: This is what happens when you can think for yourself
Funny that I have an Atmosphere Switch, but still prefer to use my sxos for a library of new games.