I passed through all the learning and implementation stages. I had to update my sdloader. Used a 64GB Kingston high speed SD.
The result was a Switch that crashed all the time. Trebuchet was crashing randomly, button layout was bad IMO and changing depending on the screen that I was in and the only game I cared for was Stardew Valley with mods. To my surprise, SV crashed all the time too (although I think it wasn't the OS but the apk itself) and SMAPI was a pain to make it work (installer is broken from github). The game crashed when mixed touch and physical controls; for example trying to select "new game" on main screen with physical buttons, crashed the game while doing the same with touch screen worked.
I thought that I would give this console a second life, find some non 8yo-targeted games nor hentai visual novels but instead I was stuck with a mid-level cellphone-like device that crashes all the time and a lot of facebook-level games on its catalog. So it was more or less the same thing but with some more freedom to modify it.
This being said, confirmation needed; is it crashing for you? can you recommend doing this to others? what games/apps/features do you use on you android switch?
There are dangerous steps involved in this transformation so I want this post to help others decide if they want to go ahead and do it.
I used both, Lineage 18 and 21. Both were the same, with 18 having a "console launcher" that was so basic that couldn't even add apps to the main screen shortcuts (I only got one option: "folders"). Both crashed all the time, with Lineage 18 feeling a little bit more responsive. I also didn't use the overclocking or "performance mode" in the switch app. In one moment, the wifi driver crashed in android 21.
The result was a Switch that crashed all the time. Trebuchet was crashing randomly, button layout was bad IMO and changing depending on the screen that I was in and the only game I cared for was Stardew Valley with mods. To my surprise, SV crashed all the time too (although I think it wasn't the OS but the apk itself) and SMAPI was a pain to make it work (installer is broken from github). The game crashed when mixed touch and physical controls; for example trying to select "new game" on main screen with physical buttons, crashed the game while doing the same with touch screen worked.
I thought that I would give this console a second life, find some non 8yo-targeted games nor hentai visual novels but instead I was stuck with a mid-level cellphone-like device that crashes all the time and a lot of facebook-level games on its catalog. So it was more or less the same thing but with some more freedom to modify it.
This being said, confirmation needed; is it crashing for you? can you recommend doing this to others? what games/apps/features do you use on you android switch?
There are dangerous steps involved in this transformation so I want this post to help others decide if they want to go ahead and do it.
I used both, Lineage 18 and 21. Both were the same, with 18 having a "console launcher" that was so basic that couldn't even add apps to the main screen shortcuts (I only got one option: "folders"). Both crashed all the time, with Lineage 18 feeling a little bit more responsive. I also didn't use the overclocking or "performance mode" in the switch app. In one moment, the wifi driver crashed in android 21.
Last edited by BottledFairy,