Maybe SD card got corrupted?Hi guys,
I just updated to Hekate 6.2.2 and Atmosphere 1.8.0, which worked fine,
but after updating to FW 19.0.0 with daybreak I can't boot into Atmosphere anymore:
I get this error after the boot logos, any suggestions?
Atmosphère Fatal Report (v1.1):
Result: 0x222A02 (2002-4373)
Program ID: 010000000000001f
Process Name: ns
Firmware: 19.0.0 (Atmosphère 1.8.0-master-c6014b533)
All I can suggest is to make a backup of your atmosphere and bootloader folders somewhere on your PC and delete them from the SD card afterwards. After that, grab the latest fresh builds of the Atmosphere and Hekate from their official repositories and boot into CFW and see if it works. After that, you can start re-adding (and updating if necessary) sysmodules you had installed. Also, update firmware to the 19.0.1 as Nintendo fixed some of the issues 19.0.0 had.
I'd suggest that you do that manually by using PC as AIO updaters can sometimes mess things up. You can check this guide for more info.I just bought a Nintendo Switch v2 with a mod chip. I wanted to know how do I update to the latest version of Atmosphere? Can I do everything through the Switch or do I have to use the PC?