When you put folders on SD card from pc, yes, first time it's sorted alphabetically, but when you started to play 10-15 games that's sorted randomly, i think by date. All saves in one folder, i don't know what firmware changed in that folders.
I tested it again without the ingame menu disabled and the message was gone then came back and now im currently checking and the problem is gone (again). So the message is appearing infrequently.I did test the german pokemon mentioned and it worked for me (at least in the emulator), feel free to send me ROMs/savegames and I can test them too. Same for the Minish Cap, worked well for me. Not sure what could be happening. If you don't plan to use the in-game menu (with direct save is less useful) make sure to disable it and try again. Also make sure that your saves are ok.
Hey there!
Thank you all for the feedback!
A couple of notes: when using Direct Save mode, you cannot save using the in-game menu. This makes sense since the saving happens within the game, transparently. There's a potential bug at the moment that can be triggered if you open the in-game menu while the game is reading or writing data from/to the SD card. This will be fixed in the next release (I will add a lock so that the menu cannot be opened during these intervals).
I did test the german pokemon mentioned and it worked for me (at least in the emulator), feel free to send me ROMs/savegames and I can test them too. Same for the Minish Cap, worked well for me. Not sure what could be happening. If you don't plan to use the in-game menu (with direct save is less useful) make sure to disable it and try again. Also make sure that your saves are ok.
Also worth noting that Pokemon ROM hacks *won't* work in most cases. This is due to a mixture of: lack of patches for them, superFW cannot distinguish between a rom-hack and the original game in many cases, and the hacks using different signatures for stuff like saving. If there's a hack that's opensource (ie. on github) I could try adding support for it and/or figuring something out with the developers so that their game works well on lesser carts like the Supercard.
That is why I asked, if we could have an option to generate patches ourselves using the tools available in your GitHub repository. Maybe SuperFW could load the .db file generated by the patchgen tool if it finds one on the SD card? Just an idea.Also worth noting that Pokemon ROM hacks *won't* work in most cases. This is due to a mixture of: lack of patches for them, superFW cannot distinguish between a rom-hack and the original game in many cases, and the hacks using different signatures for stuff like saving.
Thanks need to do a longer play but minish cap seems to work now and tried some others..Hey there!
You guys were right, there's a bug in the EEPROM direct save codepath. I just fixed itUploaded version 0.8
I tested also Minish Cap and now it seems to work for me too (and perhaps a bit faster, even tho it's quite slow for EEPROM).
And yeah: there will be a web-based patcher util where you will be able to patch a ROM and generate a patch file for it (that superfw can read). To generate full databases you probably need to use the repo mentioned (since it's a bit impractical to load hundreds of ROMs to Chrome/Firefox). I will add the ability to load a patch database from the SD card, that's something that was always planned (I just removeed it due to $reasons, but will re-add it).
Thanks guys!
Edit: Forgot to mention, there's a new menu. Added some tests, like memory (SDRAM test) and SRAM test. Also a battery test and a simple read benchmark tool. Can be useful for people without electronic skills, so they can figure out whether the battery is still alive.
Yes I noticed that after posting, thanks for confirming.. So for this type of save, just continue with using the save to SD from the in game menu or soft reset to have it sync the sram to the sav file?Yes there is a reason. As I mentioned in the previous posts, as well as the first post, direct saving works exclusively for games that use EEPROM or Flash backups. Some games don't have saving or use SRAM (or FRAM) as backup memory, so they are not compatible with Direct Saving. It could be possible to implement it for some games, but many of them would be incompatible.
Edit: when picking a ROM, the pop up menu indicates info such as the game code and the save type. If you see None or SRAM, you cannot select direct saving.
Have you tried to sort the files from the PC using a "FAT Sorter" program? I have seen similar issues with some flashcarts and old MP3 players where the files are sorted by date of addition/modification.When you put folders on SD card from pc, yes, first time it's sorted alphabetically, but when you started to play 10-15 games that's sorted randomly, i think by date. All saves in one folder, i don't know what firmware changed in that folders.
Nice! I wish the EZ-Flash Omega had a battery check option. It's a shame the Supercard still has slowdown issues in some games with patches applied, if it had faster memory the cart would be best-in-class thanks to SCFW and your firmware! Also, kind of ironic how the less capable cart ends up having the best firmware.Edit: Forgot to mention, there's a new menu. Added some tests, like memory (SDRAM test) and SRAM test. Also a battery test and a simple read benchmark tool. Can be useful for people without electronic skills, so they can figure out whether the battery is still alive.
Both Pokemon Ruby and FireRed are working well with Direct Save for me. Make sure your rom dumps are good and unmodified. However, Gen 3 rom hacks like Pokemon Unbound will only work with SRAM just like you mentioned.Pokemon Gen 3 Load Saves didn't work with Direct Save (in game it say "the save was deleted"), but working with SRAM save (64Kb save size), just report, thanks
Another thing to add to this:Pokemon Gen 3 Load Saves didn't work with Direct Save (in game it say "the save was deleted"), but working with SRAM save (64Kb save size), just report, thanks