-Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
-Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online Edition
-Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition (with all costume DLC)
-Street Fighter X Tekken (with all character Swap costume DLC)
-A two-disc Blu-Ray set will be included in the Collector’s Set and will contain a documentary that discusses the influence of Street Fighter.
-Street Fighter IV and Super Street Fighter IV anime movies.
-Street Fighter animated series andStreet Fighter II: The Animated Movie.
-Light-up Ryu statue (8” tall)
-life-size replica of Ryu's belt.
-64-page hardcover artbook containing art submissions from fans
-11-disc soundtrack, containing Street Fighter music spanning the last 25 years (including Remixes and Fan made Remix)
The Fighter 25th Anniversary Collector’s Set will be released on September 18th, 2012 for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in North America.
It will cost $150. Each set comes with an individual number and certificate of authenticity.