Hello! I have recently undertaken the arduous task of trying to learn to translate. The motivation is that it's been years since I've wanted a certain game to be translated, but it seems like either it has no interest or just plain isn't very popular.
Point being, I'd like some help and guidance on how to proceed while explaining what I'm doing:
Currently, I've mounted the CIA with ninfs and made me way to \romfs\data\script.
I can only assume this is where the text, or at least some of it, is stored. However, I'm a bit stumped in how to open the .bin files and begin my search. Is it simply through a hex editor? That'll be my next step after writing this post just in case. Any and all information will be helpful as a complement to my own research.
TLDR; Advice that helps new translators that can at least access the files of a game will be appreciated. I don't intend to twiddle my thumbs and wait for someone to do it for me, but I just struggle in knowing how to ask for help from people more experienced than me.
All help is appreciated and, with some luck, I may stick to it and go onto newer platforms.
Also I occasionally see some people asking if the OP is willing to learn to code for this feat, so my answer: Yes, I am. I'm studying for computer sciences, so this would just be me doing what I'd be doing anyways, but earlier. Thank you though. ♥
EDIT: Currently, I am trying to extract text from the .bin files in the script. That's my roadblock, but I'm looking for ways around.
Point being, I'd like some help and guidance on how to proceed while explaining what I'm doing:
Currently, I've mounted the CIA with ninfs and made me way to \romfs\data\script.
I can only assume this is where the text, or at least some of it, is stored. However, I'm a bit stumped in how to open the .bin files and begin my search. Is it simply through a hex editor? That'll be my next step after writing this post just in case. Any and all information will be helpful as a complement to my own research.
TLDR; Advice that helps new translators that can at least access the files of a game will be appreciated. I don't intend to twiddle my thumbs and wait for someone to do it for me, but I just struggle in knowing how to ask for help from people more experienced than me.
All help is appreciated and, with some luck, I may stick to it and go onto newer platforms.
Also I occasionally see some people asking if the OP is willing to learn to code for this feat, so my answer: Yes, I am. I'm studying for computer sciences, so this would just be me doing what I'd be doing anyways, but earlier. Thank you though. ♥
EDIT: Currently, I am trying to extract text from the .bin files in the script. That's my roadblock, but I'm looking for ways around.
Last edited by Nezha,