I rececently saw a cable that would allow you to install a wii modchip without soldering, but I forgot what it's called. Does anyone know what it's called? Also, would itwork with a cyclowiz?
Yeah, but it's uber-safeYou still have to solder the chip to the wlip. This is not a solderless install.
You still have to solder the chip to the wlip. This is not a solderless install.
Yeah, but it's uber-safeThe worst that could happen is that you ruin the modchip and/or the Wlip.
And it's effectively solderless for the Wii, as you don't have to solder anything on the Wii itself
Wlip. Yes, it works with PICs (YAOSM, WiiFree), WiiKey, Wiinja Deluxe and CycloWiz.
But for CycloWiz you would have to do an hole in your Wii case to put a switch for update (I got a WiiKey for this reason... who the hell wants a hole in their Wii?)