The right wing is either Nazi's or pedophiles, because their true colors are showing.
They weren’t “hard questions,” they were the same rambles you only see thrown around in Right wing echo chambers. Those are also not even questions, you just made statements with shit like “LGBT wants to add MAPs,” that’s literally baseless shit you only hear on 4Chan. I am not shocked someone with “88” in their name is spreading Neo-Nazi talking points.Crickets... Crickets... So many defenders of the left but silence when pushed with the hard questions, typical, they will try to manipulate you but give questions regarding their community and they go silent and choose not to have discussions with only people in their echo chamber
The customer is very important, the customer will be followed by the customer. Even if he wants to be an employee, he will be happy, and he will not be ugly. There is no need to adorn the lion's bed, but dignissim is now the gate. Until then, it's a good idea. There is no element of mass in the mass of the enemy, and to put the pure employee. Now it was a cartoon. Until now, neither pain nor pain is the greatest ecological problem in the world. Duis sed dui not risus ullamcorper tincidunt. Until now, there is no eleifend eleifend. Now it's a good time to take care of the patient, give some advice on the pillow of life.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ipsum velit, molestie sit amet scelerisque et, malesuada nec turpis. Nulla ornare leo eget lectus tincidunt, sed dignissim nunc porta. Donec at commodo elit. Mauris elementum nulla in massa pellentesque, ac molestie purus posuere. Nunc et viverra erat. Donec nec dolor in eros maximus fringilla. Duis sed dui non risus ullamcorper tincidunt. Donec ac nunc nec nulla eleifend eleifend. Nunc commodo massa at orci sollicitudin, vitae pulvinar augue aliquam.
Cras et massa sapien. Ut porttitor rutrum ex at lacinia. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi vitae felis suscipit, pulvinar ipsum sed, cursus augue. Praesent et massa eget lorem tincidunt venenatis. Vivamus gravida libero vitae tellus auctor mollis. Phasellus rutrum purus non lectus maximus, non maximus orci ultricies. Maecenas ac dui consectetur, malesuada ipsum non, dictum orci. Ut tortor nibh, laoreet tincidunt finibus vel, facilisis eu mauris. Fusce ut placerat libero. Vivamus tincidunt molestie lorem in volutpat. Aliquam porttitor, dui vitae fringilla tincidunt, dolor quam congue erat, placerat ullamcorper quam lectus finibus purus. Sed posuere blandit risus, ut ultrices ante aliquet ut. Pellentesque finibus, ex a fermentum cursus, leo massa elementum ex, vel commodo mauris mauris eget justo. Morbi mollis, sapien at mollis tempus, mauris ipsum blandit nisl, sed commodo mauris mi id orci.
Duis eu lectus quis nisl auctor pharetra in a diam. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur ut pellentesque orci. Mauris aliquet sodales velit vel porta. Etiam sit amet euismod velit, nec dapibus augue. Praesent tortor ex, maximus in elit sit amet, congue dapibus neque. Aenean sed mauris tempor, ultrices ipsum id, ultrices odio.
Cras sodales pellentesque mi interdum elementum. Vivamus vitae massa tellus. In placerat vel sapien quis bibendum. Mauris velit neque, suscipit sed lacinia vel, feugiat sit amet leo. Integer fermentum id quam ut placerat. Mauris id posuere velit, quis gravida risus. Integer id posuere nibh, non dapibus ipsum. Etiam vehicula, augue non pretium tempus, mi velit dictum dolor, nec pellentesque tortor turpis lacinia elit. Pellentesque laoreet ultrices nisl. Nullam fringilla finibus lorem, sed bibendum elit rhoncus sed. Aenean convallis lacus in velit lacinia vehicula. Maecenas molestie tempus turpis, non consequat erat placerat nec. Vivamus sit amet erat consectetur, aliquam enim vitae, porttitor sem. Sed auctor augue mauris, sit amet vulputate metus ullamcorper sed. Fusce sem felis, aliquam a sagittis ultricies, pulvinar a arcu. Quisque et arcu porta, dapibus lectus sed, condimentum libero.
Maecenas ac semper lorem, in consequat lectus. Integer pellentesque nibh nec pharetra blandit. Donec eleifend elit sed diam molestie blandit. Curabitur non magna at odio semper feugiat. Pellentesque tincidunt dolor elit, in sagittis quam congue sit amet. In non finibus augue, eget euismod diam. Nullam pellentesque orci sit amet ornare placerat.
Nulla velit quam, sollicitudin eget purus et, hendrerit cursus metus. Quisque sed elit vel tellus euismod pharetra. Aliquam pharetra mi in diam semper luctus. Donec at viverra nisl. Morbi iaculis dui quam, eu venenatis lectus vehicula blandit. Aliquam venenatis tempor enim quis iaculis. Nunc tincidunt interdum quam, non pharetra diam tincidunt eu. Nullam nec libero quis dolor vehicula mollis a at enim. Curabitur et mattis libero, quis vestibulum arcu. Vivamus convallis nibh metus, id bibendum augue malesuada et. Integer egestas posuere lobortis. Proin maximus, mi vitae tincidunt posuere, purus quam fringilla ante, nec luctus ex nulla vel nunc. Sed lectus massa, mollis ac fermentum vel, ullamcorper vel diam.
Donec enim ex, faucibus sit amet sollicitudin quis, aliquam at elit. In est elit, vehicula nec luctus nec, semper sed sem. Vestibulum turpis tellus, dapibus ac enim semper, vestibulum venenatis massa. Fusce rhoncus, orci ut posuere volutpat, mi velit facilisis lacus, non rhoncus nunc risus at nibh. Aliquam consectetur id nulla a facilisis. Integer egestas diam mauris, id lobortis tortor iaculis ac. Vestibulum et massa aliquet, tristique turpis ac, fringilla magna. Duis feugiat maximus accumsan. Pellentesque euismod, nisl eu facilisis pellentesque, massa nibh ullamcorper nulla, non tincidunt sem nisl non purus. Phasellus molestie nisl elit, non venenatis lectus lobortis vel. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum auctor lorem in eros faucibus venenatis. Nulla commodo magna erat, nec sollicitudin tellus varius eget. Vestibulum ac egestas enim.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas tellus risus, rutrum nec ligula sit amet, vestibulum congue erat. Ut et nisi ante. Aenean vehicula quam dignissim turpis pulvinar dictum. Curabitur ultrices posuere augue. Donec mollis eros viverra tincidunt sodales. Aliquam tempus a magna vel egestas. Nam tristique ligula at pharetra venenatis. Pellentesque ut iaculis ante. Suspendisse suscipit lorem eget auctor tempor. Quisque quis laoreet mi. Vivamus feugiat, libero at dignissim iaculis, felis nisi rhoncus risus, a mollis felis neque at odio. Maecenas a commodo lectus. Praesent at molestie neque, eget porttitor diam.
Nulla in nulla finibus, eleifend turpis nec, rhoncus leo. Aenean commodo, dui ac luctus rutrum, lectus massa aliquet ante, in imperdiet orci sem non risus. Pellentesque sit amet nisi quis leo sagittis semper. Etiam faucibus, leo eget maximus efficitur, sem eros tempus lectus, at venenatis quam eros nec lorem. Vivamus et libero varius, placerat risus at, porttitor eros. Aenean mattis condimentum malesuada. Nunc id enim dapibus, rutrum ipsum et, fringilla lacus. Nunc sagittis volutpat dui sit amet commodo. Donec nec elementum ante.
Sed sed suscipit ex. Fusce pulvinar dui eget sem imperdiet, eget congue dui consequat. Mauris molestie at ante sed porttitor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas accumsan at nisi ac faucibus. Sed pretium dolor libero, eget pellentesque orci vehicula non. Etiam vestibulum, nisl eget aliquet ullamcorper, tortor odio condimentum libero, pretium pretium justo mi eu elit. Cras placerat, tortor volutpat venenatis facilisis, augue nisi cursus nisl, a pellentesque nisi est sed leo.
Nulla quis purus id justo lacinia posuere. Morbi eget elit in purus molestie sollicitudin in ac urna. Integer bibendum, est eget tristique auctor, tellus sapien congue ante, quis ullamcorper lectus odio eu sapien. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras justo nulla, suscipit vitae mi ut, hendrerit facilisis nulla. Curabitur nec leo eu magna posuere sollicitudin. Nulla enim enim, laoreet eget urna ut, egestas mollis nulla.
Sed in mollis sem. Donec non tempor velit. In non est dapibus, aliquet eros ac, condimentum odio. In ut risus mattis, commodo nulla nec, finibus risus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Proin ac quam risus. Aliquam sit amet mauris sapien. Proin sit amet iaculis neque, sit amet varius augue. Vivamus ac nulla erat. Fusce lobortis quis nibh a ullamcorper. Quisque pharetra pretium tincidunt. Fusce et dictum felis. Pellentesque at tortor eget felis fermentum ullamcorper accumsan vitae lorem. Maecenas id hendrerit sapien. Suspendisse eget neque placerat enim semper tincidunt ut ac tortor. Donec tellus turpis, auctor malesuada lectus mattis, elementum mollis ipsum.
Donec tincidunt lacinia sapien, fermentum finibus felis tincidunt a. Praesent efficitur vehicula ex, sit amet condimentum nisl pharetra eu. Fusce lacinia commodo ante, at fermentum orci. Mauris placerat blandit ligula sodales volutpat. Morbi non ligula vel ex dictum viverra. Ut lacinia urna at commodo sollicitudin. In auctor metus sed risus luctus molestie. Integer eget pretium nisl, ac molestie leo. Integer gravida mauris quis ante eleifend, sit amet interdum felis interdum.
Curabitur laoreet nisl magna, ut ultrices purus ultrices quis. Aliquam hendrerit vitae nisi at venenatis. Phasellus orci elit, vulputate sodales condimentum non, sagittis iaculis eros. Suspendisse id libero orci. In vel tellus in lectus consequat mollis vel sit amet urna. Suspendisse vitae turpis massa. Donec ullamcorper ut magna at volutpat. Pellentesque et elit iaculis, tempus nibh eu, lacinia dui. Maecenas sit amet malesuada nisi, ac malesuada nisl. Nunc rutrum leo tortor, ac lobortis nisi vulputate fringilla. Ut eu condimentum est, in cursus magna.
Etiam at metus lectus. Suspendisse quis quam magna. Pellentesque nec molestie urna. Proin volutpat enim id nibh rutrum ornare. Curabitur porta sed metus quis imperdiet. Maecenas ex nisi, suscipit sed dolor id, suscipit lobortis tellus. Sed id laoreet lacus. Fusce eget metus tincidunt, porta diam iaculis, consectetur orci. Sed venenatis leo ut facilisis consectetur. Quisque ut felis ut tortor rhoncus varius. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
My post is longer, therefore I win.
What the hell was that? That was way shorter than our posts. Hell, that was shorter than your own previous post. Get on the ball, goddammit. Christ, Tyrone, get it together.These responses prove the point that we as people can't even imagine or understand the control AI will have over media. It will be impossible for human's to argue or respond fast enough to keep up so emotionally the only way to deal with it is through humor. This is the exact response AI knows will happen.
That's because I wasn't writing all that stuff. I let AI respond. Took maybe a few seconds for it to write all that stuff. Now imagine that kind of response automatically happening after each of your responses that you actually need to spend time thinking about and actually typing. Because AI has zero emotion and can literally respond 24/7 without getting tired.What the hell was that? That was way shorter than our posts. Hell, that was shorter than your own previous post. Get on the ball, goddammit. Christ, Tyrone, get it together.
Could you sum up? I'm not reading all that.That's because I wasn't writing all that stuff. I let AI respond. Took maybe a few seconds for it to write all that stuff. Now imagine that kind of response automatically happening after each of your responses that you actually need to spend time thinking about and actually typing. Because AI has zero emotion and can literally respond 24/7 without getting tired.
I know it did. The AI I used successfully deviated this conversation. Now imagine that on a much larger scale because that's what will be happening in 2025.Ok this definitely deviated
You don't need to put so much effort into responding. AI is literally in agreement with you. Imagine just having an app that is able to respond to right-wing posts so much so that it causes disinterest and breaks up right-wing echo chambers. It only takes a few seconds for it to respond with pages of facts and it knows how to hit the emotional hot button on people but because it's AI it doesn't care about the troll responses and out trolls the trolls. Since it's AI and not a bot it can outpace bots and on the spot think of new strategies to get results. The entire world is about to change in 2025.when not attached to a party or politician to vote for, americans overwhelmingly said they were in favor of left-wing policies
propaganda is just really strong, and the right favors the rich, so the media apparatus is controlled by the right
nobody in united states politics truly caters to the left-wing apart from bernie sanders and the squad, all of whom are attacked from every side and held down
fox news has brainwashed countless people into believing factually untrue things and those people would rather die than give up said things
"we have an immigration crisis," "the republicans are good for the economy," these are provably untrue, there's data for this and it doesn't matter a bit, any evidence provided to back up those claims are dismissed for whatever reason, anything to hold onto what you already believe
the fact is republicans know how to play the game
I know it did. The AI I used successfully deviated this conversation. Now imagine that on a much larger scale because that's what will be happening in 2025.
Post automatically merged:
You don't need to put so much effort into responding. AI is literally in agreement with you. Imagine just having an app that is able to respond to right-wing posts so much so that it causes disinterest and breaks up right-wing echo chambers. It only takes a few seconds for it to respond with pages of facts and it knows how to hit the emotional hot button on people but because it's AI it doesn't care about the troll responses and out trolls the trolls. Since it's AI and not a bot it can outpace bots and on the spot think of new strategies to get results. The entire world is about to change in 2025.
Yea even Trump pardoned his son-in-laws father (Charles Kushner) right before his presidential term ended, even though the guy pleaded guilty to 18 counts, including tax evasion and making illegal campaign contributions. Charles Kushner even setup a secret camera and hired a prostitute to sleep with his then business partner, as a blackmail scheme, because he found out his partner was working with officials investigating him, Kushner.People are generally good, as opposed to most politicians - even left wing ones. It seems shady as hell to me that the American president can pardon his own son. You can guarantee that wouldn't happen to regular citizens.
Crazy times we live in.Yea even Trump pardoned his son-in-laws father (Charles Kushner) right before his presidential term ended, even though the guy pleaded guilty to 18 counts, including tax evasion and making illegal campaign contributions. Charles Kushner even setup a secret camera and hired a prostitute to sleep with his then business partner, as a blackmail scheme, because he found out his partner was working with officials investigating him, Kushner.
Now Trump wants to make him, Charles Kushner, the Ambassador to France.
But I agree it should not be allowed, nor should criminals be allowed to hold high ranking government positions.
They weren’t “hard questions,” they were the same rambles you only see thrown around in Right wing echo chambers. Those are also not even questions, you just made statements with shit like “LGBT wants to add MAPs,” that’s literally baseless shit you only hear on 4Chan. I am not shocked someone with “88” in their name is spreading Neo-Nazi talking points.
More projection and doubling down after I've already proved it's the right wing that has the overwhelming pedophilia problem lmaoEcho chambers? Years ago a LGBTQ+ Psychologist had a video announcing MAPS and adding it to LGBTQ spectrum.
Plus just recently Bluesky which supposed to be Left echo chamber is flooded with MAPS supporters and have tons of discussions of MAPS.
Something tells me that you don’t have that video or even evidence for anything you said in this post. This just sounds like the same kind of shit you find on 4Chan and Twitter. Starting to think the “88” in your name is definitely not for the year, especially since you were born in 1980.Echo chambers? Years ago a LGBTQ+ Psychologist had a video announcing MAPS and adding it to LGBTQ spectrum.
Plus just recently Bluesky which supposed to be Left echo chamber is flooded with MAPS supporters and have tons of discussions of MAPS.
Why do I need to dig videos years to months ago, and when I do point it out, usually the videos are 1 hour plus and just get ignored when in the video shows sources.Something tells me that you don’t have that video or even evidence for anything you said in this post. This just sounds like the same kind of shit you find on 4Chan and Twitter. Starting to think the “88” in your name is definitely not for the year, especially since you were born in 1980.
Not a single source nor even the video. Just a rant that doesn’t do anything more than prove my original point. This ramble is further proof that nazis are cowards.Why do I need to dig videos years to months ago, and when I do point it out, usually the videos are 1 hour plus and just get ignored when in the video shows sources.
88 is not age or year of birth, why does my age matter, are you the typical left accessing my account to find something to invalidate me, so first is spelling now using age and you want to use age against me?
FYI 88 is from the account name LagunaLoire from Final Fantasy 8, 8 is twice because I love the story twice as much.
So if you do not want to acknowledge MAPS... How about giving trans books to children, even to kinder with school libraries and teachers handing books to children under 10 that has a section do not read after this section unless you are over 18 and it has images and describes how boys should suck over boys dicks with an illustration and a section on how to eat someone you like poop and scarting. Plus even more sections that should even be available to 18 year olds considering currently 18 year olds are way too immature.
Plus when Parents went to school board get denied to talk as soon as they talk about it and gets named by fedral us government as terrorist. Same with student after student talk against this in school boards get blocked from making speeches, some got expelled.
Tell me why aiming for children to teach about trans and their sexual identity turns into discussions of sexual preferences? Why not just make friends and look for a life partner.
Shut the fuck up and fuck off you projecting Nazi bigot piece of garbage.Why do I need to dig videos years to months ago, and when I do point it out, usually the videos are 1 hour plus and just get ignored when in the video shows sources.
88 is not age or year of birth, why does my age matter, are you the typical left accessing my account to find something to invalidate me, so first is spelling now using age and you want to use age against me?
FYI 88 is from the account name LagunaLoire from Final Fantasy 8, 8 is twice because I love the story twice as much.
So if you do not want to acknowledge MAPS... How about giving trans books to children, even to kinder with school libraries and teachers handing books to children under 10 that has a section do not read after this section unless you are over 18 and it has images and describes how boys should suck over boys dicks with an illustration and a section on how to eat someone you like poop and scarting. Plus even more sections that should even be available to 18 year olds considering currently 18 year olds are way too immature.
Plus when Parents went to school board get denied to talk as soon as they talk about it and gets named by fedral us government as terrorist. Same with student after student talk against this in school boards get blocked from making speeches, some got expelled.
Tell me why aiming for children to teach about trans and their sexual identity turns into discussions of sexual preferences? Why not just make friends and look for a life partner.