Ive been running all my emulators from SD card for a long time. I recently moved them all to my hard drive that I was previously only using for Wii and GC games.
FCEUGX and Genplus both work great from the HD, but Snes9x gx freezes up in the main screen after about 15 seconds. It runs flawlessly from the SD card though. Im using a cover mod version 4.3.1, I mainly use the forwarder channel, but it does this whether I use the forwarder channel or launch it from HBC.
Hard drive is in FAT32 format, 32k clusters, MBR partition table.
FCEUGX and Genplus both work great from the HD, but Snes9x gx freezes up in the main screen after about 15 seconds. It runs flawlessly from the SD card though. Im using a cover mod version 4.3.1, I mainly use the forwarder channel, but it does this whether I use the forwarder channel or launch it from HBC.
Hard drive is in FAT32 format, 32k clusters, MBR partition table.