Does SNemulDS work on CycloDS? I'm a bit unclear on this, as I know the Evo auto-patches, but there are a bunch of comments on SNemulDS' site asking "HOW I MAKE SNEMUL WORK ON MY CYCLODS".
SNES emulation is one of the major reasons I want a Flashcart-- it's just not the same playing them with a keyboard, and whether or not a cart can do that is a deciding factor for me. Everything I've heard about the new batch of CycloDS has been fantastic, but if it doesn't do SNemul, then I might have to pass it by. Thanks in advance.
SNES emulation is one of the major reasons I want a Flashcart-- it's just not the same playing them with a keyboard, and whether or not a cart can do that is a deciding factor for me. Everything I've heard about the new batch of CycloDS has been fantastic, but if it doesn't do SNemul, then I might have to pass it by. Thanks in advance.