They rejected that campaign in France few years ago.
I'm favorable for suffering people, in terminal states, who ask death for ages to stop their suffering. The people who are dead anyway because medecine don't have any clue, they only apply their "IF we find a cure tomorrow we can't kill the patient today!".
They accepted they hypocrite statement (pun intended) saying that they will always help the people, why don't they help them to stop their agony too?
I'm against using it for depression, or any other reason not involving physical and irreparable illness.
Depressed people usually don't have the courage to commit suicide, they are too depressed to make the decision. It's not a reason to kill those people. It can last long, many years, and someday they are fine and they are happy to be alive, they don't even know how it "fixed" itself.
Of course, if it's practiced, it will be abused and that's why it's difficult to accept it.
How would you prove that the dead patient agreed himself and wasn't suffering hallucination, wasn't drugged, or didn't have mental illness saying things lightly ?
I think voluntary euthanasia has some flaw and will be abused.
Maybe it shouldn't be a medical corps decision but a judgment involving the family (if any member left) and listening to the patient, analyzing his mental state, etc.
I don't know if it can be better.
Though, justice is VEEEERY slow, the terminal patient would be dead naturally in agony before the judge took his decision :/