Hey, I'm just wondering about Pretendo. I was looking into it, and I already have a modded console running Luma 3ds 13.0.0+ and was just wondering if Pretendo is safe and will not harm my console. The news of the servers for Nintendo 3ds being shut down got my attention, because I love playing online with my console. Also, I'm thinking about installing Thirdtube (a YouTube replacement for the Nintendo 3ds) and was wondering if that was safe as well? I really like my console and am already getting afraid about the consoles' CFW. Just the way I feel when playing my console is great, so I really don't want to brick it. I have a CTRNand backup, but don't know how to fix a brick with it and don't want to go through the trouble of it. I modded my console via. 3ds.hacks.guide. Any thoughts on it?