Hey GBATemp! For the past year or so, myself and another fellow have been working on a translation of this long-lost game in the SMT series, and it's nearly complete.
You can check out the work done so far here: http://pastebin.com/LHKVLNQB
It's under 'Devil Summoner', with script sheets #1-6, and #7 being the final one which is still in progress.
Also, weapon names: http://pastebin.com/ktXkpNa1
And armor names: http://pastebin.com/urQeU7Ed
So, I was curious if anyone in the scene here would be interested in the hacking portion of this. Me and the other translator are only good with the language aspects, and it seems a shame to think that the game would be entirely translated but simply not implemented, given its importance to the game in the series that was localized over here, Soul Hackers.
Ideally we'd want someone who can interface with the Japanese involved in a small way, but anyone willing to try would be appreciated!
You can check out the work done so far here: http://pastebin.com/LHKVLNQB
It's under 'Devil Summoner', with script sheets #1-6, and #7 being the final one which is still in progress.
Also, weapon names: http://pastebin.com/ktXkpNa1
And armor names: http://pastebin.com/urQeU7Ed
So, I was curious if anyone in the scene here would be interested in the hacking portion of this. Me and the other translator are only good with the language aspects, and it seems a shame to think that the game would be entirely translated but simply not implemented, given its importance to the game in the series that was localized over here, Soul Hackers.
Ideally we'd want someone who can interface with the Japanese involved in a small way, but anyone willing to try would be appreciated!