I am trying to inject my own private header in a Fantasy Life rom so I can play online again (I was using a shared header before). I followed the instructions here (https://gbatemp.net/threads/tutoria...with-savedatafiler.380246/page-5#post-5334985) for my other games, but what do I do for a game like Fantasy Life?
Another question: there's no problems in just transferring the saves from my 3DS to N3DS by just bringing over my .sav file and using the same ROM/header right?
What do I do for games like Fantasy Life where save data is stored in the Nintendo 3DS folder? Is the only way to transfer these using the system transfer tool? Can something not be done using SaveDataFiler or something?
Another question: there's no problems in just transferring the saves from my 3DS to N3DS by just bringing over my .sav file and using the same ROM/header right?
What do I do for games like Fantasy Life where save data is stored in the Nintendo 3DS folder? Is the only way to transfer these using the system transfer tool? Can something not be done using SaveDataFiler or something?