The scanlines you created look amazing!The reality is that wallpapers that combine scanlines don't work in Saturn games, and you can only see the borders, but you can't see the added scanlines. But this method does work in the NSO simulator, I will put two screenshots with the switch, you can see the effect very intuitively. One of them uses NSO's official original screen filter, and the other one is the display of the wallpaper I added the filter effect to. Hopefully, this approach may provide some ideas for improving the display of the NSO Emulator in the future.
View attachment 468114
Emulator original filter effect
View attachment 468115
Customize the appearance of the overlayPost automatically merged:
The above is the specific display effect that I tested with the NSO Emulator here.Here is another video of the Saturn game after changing the wallpaper. No scanlines can be seen in it.
View attachment 468122

I apologize for being unfamiliar with the NSO emulator—I'm not sure what that is.

I really hope someone more knowledgeable than I can figure out how to implement scanlines on the Saturn.

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By the way - I suspect that the wallpapers on the Saturn might have negative values—perhaps somewhere in the .ini file—causing the layer to appear behind the video feed. Sometimes programmers adjust the wallpaper values by adding -1, 0, or 1 to control whether the wallpaper is in front of or behind the video. It could be worth looking into!