Safely Edit Emmc ProdInfo?


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2023
United States
So I’m pretty inexperienced here and want to make sure with any experts on here that what I’m doing won’t cause any permanent damage, here it goes.

I want to change the Wifi Region Code on an OLED Mariko Switch, specifically just for the emunand. Mine is currently using a Japanese motherboard which through software limitations is not able to fully utilize 5Ghz connections. The only official way I can find to region change this is through a setting in Incognito on Tinfoil, but Incognito is not available on Mariko Switches. According to switchbrew. org/w/index.php?title=Calibration&mobileaction=toggle_view_desktop the offset in the prodinfo to change the WlanCountryCodes is 0x0088, which seems to be what controls this value. By comparing my OLED Nand dump to sthetix’ decrypted donor OLED nand dump I found that this value seems to be 32 for US region vs 31 for JP. I dumped my nand, decrypted the prodinfo using my console keys in NxNandManager, edited it in HxD, saved and reencrypted it, then took my original Nand dump and replaced the prodinfo in it with the reencrypted edited file. Then I plan to create a fresh partition on an sd using this modified nand dump with nxnandmanager, and according to this guide for a similar process, forum.devchroma. nl/index.php/topic,222.msg652.html#msg652 , I insert the SD in the console, boot up and factory reset from system settings. Then, when it restarts, the changes should have applied and the emunand will function normally with US wifi capabilities.

Does this seem feasible? Assuming I keep a clean backup of the Nand, Is there a risk that I’ll actually brick my switch by doing this? Is any of this incorrect? And Is there an easier, noob friendly way to do this?


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2009
I don't know whether what you are doing will work (changing wifi region) but as long as you have a backup, either full sysmmc or just of prodinfo, then you can always restore if something goes wrong. So there should be no brick risk.
However you could create an emummc from you sysmmc with hekate and test on that first. Then you don't risk anything


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2023
United States
You can get a dual 5 GHz router.
my router is dual 5 Ghz, i was inspired to do this when i had to stay in an airbnb for a few days that was only 5Ghz wifi and my switch couldn’t detect it
I don't know whether what you are doing will work (changing wifi region) but as long as you have a backup, either full sysmmc or just of prodinfo, then you can always restore if something goes wrong. So there should be no brick risk.
However you could create an emummc from you sysmmc with hekate and test on that first. Then you don't risk anything
Thank you this is what I was most worried about, I will try it and if it doesn’t work i’ll just restore the old one 👍

Also for the second point i am using my emummc with a full backup of the current emummc data on my computer so it should be safe. Which I think is what you’re saying. Even though I would prefer to fix it on both emu and sysnand, I don’t want to edit the sysnand just because of ban risk with mismatched hardware info with serial number vs wifi region as I would like to be able to go online on there. Thanks so much for the help!

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    It sounds badass
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    But that kinda sounds too edgy :unsure:
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    Nah edgy is cool
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    "Demon Queen Ruri" sounds pretty cool
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    𖤐 Demon Queen Ruri 𖤐
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    Spinning up more services on my servers by the day :D hello Vaultwarden!
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    @_Ruri_, you gotta post 100 messages to make that your custom title
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    @Xdqwerty, Whoa thank you for the tip, so that's how you make a custom title lol, unfortunately the general chat doesn't count T_T I'd be so cool to make my custom title something like "𖤐 Demon Queen 𖤐" lol
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    I got the general chat trophy for posting more than 500 messages a few weeks ago lol
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @_Ruri_, from the chat command list: /status Use this command followed by a text to set your chat status. Your status will be displayed under your username is user list.
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    Wait I'm confused
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Write something like "/status insert message here" and then look at the user list
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    Oooo I get it
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    Yay! Done lol
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @_Ruri_, You're welcome
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    @Xdqwerty, Thank u 👍
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    They're pretty cool ngl
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    This one's pretty cool
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