I've been working on the Aroma Retroarch version of
@ploggy to try to get the CrazyMac package to work.
Now that I'm done, I propose the result (without the roms and the CrazyMac package is required) because I know that it interests a lot of people.
I took the opportunity to add Shaders & filters (from Archades Games@youtube) and Pico-8 / PS1 / 32X wallpapers. I added Pico-8 because it is the easiest way to play your own games on your Wii U

but there is no multiplayers support.
For those who doesn't know what is the CrazyMac package, there are more over specific overlays for all arcade games and lots of games :
Here is the
package (10 Go because of all overlays/thumbnails)
The main problem I encountered is the "home button" does not work on some cores (picodrive, mgba, mame, fb alpha and fake-08). So I implemented on Retroarch L + R + Start + Select combo to exit a game when this happens. If someone can solve this issue, I will update the package.
All the information are in the readme file of this package (installation, cores, controls, shaders/filters uses).
For people aware, here is the some information :
Cores used by default :
Arcade : Mame 2003-Plus
Arcade Midway : Mame 2003 Midway
Arcade / NeoGeo : FB Alpha 2012
VirtualBoy : Beetle VB
Game & Watch : GW
GB / GBC : Gambatte
MS and GG : Gearsystem
Pico-8 : Fake-08 (no multiplayers)
PC Engine/Turbographx 16 : Beetle Pce Fast
MD / Genesis / 32X : Picodrive (thanks
@Vague Rant)
NES : Nestopia
SNES : Snes9X 2010
NeoGeo Pocket / Color : Beetle NewPop
PS1 : PCSX-ReARMed (thanks
@Vague Rant)
Controls :
Save/Load states setup by default with ZR for hotkeys (Save L / Load R / Prev slot (-) / Next slot (+) )
Rewind : hotkey ZR + ZL (activated by default for GB/GC, GG, NES, MS, MD, PCENGINE. Performance issue for other systems or to be enabled depending on the game)
Shaders & Filters used by default (from Archades Games@youtube):
SNES, MD, 32X, NES, MS, PC ENGINE : Shader "crt-easymode" with scaling x3 + bilinear filtering (CRT best result for Wii U capacities).
Arcade/NeoGeo => bilinear filtering (no shader because of performance on somes game and issues with vertical games, need to be added manually for specific games in you want CRT)
All Handheld system : Filter Grid3x (except GBA and VB, performance issue in some games for GBA)
Pico-8 : Nothing