It has been done in the past. Typically some misguided, or perhaps correctly guided if the system is misguided, school admissions coach tells people to delete their online profiles lest it potentially trouble that, occasionally same for a job.
It is preferable for the member to have few posts of relevance. You appear to have several posts, albeit not terribly recently, and threads of some passing relevance but OK.
If just not logging back in is an option then do that.
If it is done then the spambot button tends to be pressed, or the account name is deregistered and you appear as an unnamed guest. For the former anybody that has quoted you will not have said quotes removed. Any externally cached threads, wayback machine and the like will be similarly untroubled. For the latter then anything again quoting you can remain and if you quoted your personal site (or something similar) somewhere. If you are applying for some kind of thing where they do a deep dive then that is one thing, if you are just worried about some admissions tutor somewhere typing
[email protected] into a search engine then that is not so bad.
Assuming one does not wander by and see this a site admin or supervisor will be needed for this one.