Remote-code exploit discovered in Pokémon Ultra Sun to allow payload injection for speedrunning
Wack0 (also known as "Slipstream") identified a "pialease nerf" stack buffer overflow for the game "Pokémon Ultra Sun," which can allow a payload to be executed, for the ability to perform speedrunning tasks or installing custom firmware if this is the case. The exploit appears to only work correctly with "Ultra Sun" at the time of writing with version 2.2.0; however, it is unclear whether older versions will work or if Ultra Moon might be supported.
To follow the steps in the guide, you will need both a first and secondary 3DS console with the same game installed, and both must have the same initial versions; otherwise, the exploit will not work. During this time, the exploit will run in the background on your second 3DS, and you must start a new game using Litten or Popplio as the starter. As you progress through the game, you will need to visit the nearest Pokémon Center. From there, access the Start Menu, select Quick Link, and connect. The first 3DS connected to the secondary will suddenly crash and reset. From there, load the save file and you'll be in the Champions Room to battle with a Level 100 "Darkrai", which is where the code-execution will begin.