a quick look thru the G003 stuff, M3 just kinda went back to their roots and made their SD code based on the OG R4.The z003 was made to counter the work of people like me. The M3 Team wasn’t a fan of users using alternate/hacked kernels on their carts, so they released the z003 to stop that from happening. Ironically, they ended up screwing up support for Sakura. I don’t know if they ever fixed that. Iirc, they disbanded shortly after releasing the z003
The problem is that modern homebrew won't run on it, because it uses Moonshell, which is horribly bad at loading ROMs, and overwrites the DLDI into actual ROM code (this was okay long ago when DLDI max size was 32KB, but nowadays it is 16KB. So MSHL writes out-of-bounds). But at the very least, writing a DLDI source code will be fairly simple.
The question is how does one replace the bootloader. Not even TY has figured it out before he left the scene.