Had this thought cross my mind earlier today. As well all know, a region swap is not currently possible for New 3DS systems (but may be in the near future with the release of CFWs). The only reason why I'd want to do this, though, is to be able to perform a System Transfer from my US XL to my PAL N3DS.
So I started wondering, would a US to PAL region swap on my XL allow me to go through with a system transfer? Does a region swap properly take care of stuff like Mii Plaza data? I hadn't seen a clear answer on what swapping FAT16s actually does, so I was hoping someone would be able to help me figure out if this is possible.
tl;dr stupid person asking stupid question
So I started wondering, would a US to PAL region swap on my XL allow me to go through with a system transfer? Does a region swap properly take care of stuff like Mii Plaza data? I hadn't seen a clear answer on what swapping FAT16s actually does, so I was hoping someone would be able to help me figure out if this is possible.
tl;dr stupid person asking stupid question