Hey ho guys. So I noticed a problem recently when I was booting FCEUXTX using a forwarder from my Wii U main menu. I would start a Dr Mario game, but I could never make it to the 20th level, because sometime before then my Wii U would just, shut itself off. I did all kinds of experiments, and deduced that it was shutting off because I had Auto Power-Down set to 1 hour. Once I moved the hour back by one, I was able to reach the 22nd level. And it had occured to me that I have had my vWii shutdown on me on its own a few times. So my question is, is this normal? Does the Wii U normally detect no button press when vWii is booted, and just shuts it down? I can set my Wii U to 2 hours, I guess. I'm just asking if this type of behavior is normal? Thanks guys.