Jeez its like nobody understood what you were saying
@snoogy YOU HAVE 3.63 (NOT 3.65 SO HE'S STILL GOOD) which yes allows you to install ark as long as you do have a demo installed on your vitaTV (NOT VITA PEOPLE) So the issue is trying to connect a vita (TV) to QCMA- because it asks when it connects to update the system software. There is a bypass, I just forgot how to do it with the vita Tv these hints for a vita itself may work, but do not work with vitaTV THER EIS A WAY, BUT I need to do some more research. Hopefully others will see this post and understand what your trying to do.
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Ok bro I got it all figured out didnt take that long and will work on any firmware honestly. All you have to do is
1- Download vitaupdate blocker
2. In Network settings setup the proxy in advanced settings. (use address and port from vita update blocker)
3. Go to psn store. (notice change in vita update blocker on pc)
4. Go back to network settings.
5. Disable the proxy. (Download demos needed use content manager with qcma, ALL IS GOOD TO GO NOW.
6. Enjoy man Angel's Modz always happy to help