Sorry if this has been asked before but i trolled the internet for the past few weeks tried everything but no joy so here is my story
I have a Phat PSP 1003 that works fine on OFW i can play games from UMD etc. I wanted to install CFW as i have done on many psps last few months (hobby) and no issue.
so i downloaded the 6.61 cfw C pro files as my psp is already on OFW 6.61 and followed the online guide. As you can see from photos i pressed on install the Pro CFW and it restarts and asks to press X to install (Photo2) and then restarts as normal. But after restart my psp will not allow me to go back to the Game folder to follow step 2 and install infinity 2. i tried downgrading to 6.60 or 6.20 and try another CFW but the result is the same after restart it wont allow me to select the memory card again
thank you in advance