I have a modified PS2 slim, it sees PS1 discs, but only home region. Imports cannot be read, a message about this appears in the browser. When I launch a cd-r backup that the PS2 can read, it spins up the disk and the screen goes black, but nothing else happens. I don't know what chip is installed. Can anyone, based on the symptoms, tell me what I should do to run PS1 games? Also, previous owner said something about a double reset. I tried to press reset at different moments, but nothing happens.
Update: I figured out how to launch games. But now I'm a little perplexed. My PS2 runs the cheap CD-R but doesn't want to run the official import disc.
Update: I figured out how to launch games. But now I'm a little perplexed. My PS2 runs the cheap CD-R but doesn't want to run the official import disc.
Last edited by Yuricorn,