I need someone smart to prove me (most likely) wrong.
So I couldn't fall asleep yesterday and I thought of my low-level bricked wii. That day I watched a bunch of phone repair videos. He took out a flash memory chip from a phone and soldered it to a USB drive and recovered the data.
Could this be possible with the Wii? Take out the flash chip, solder to a USB, and flash a backup NAND?
While finding a picture of the flash memory, I found someone who took a flash chip from a USB and made "two nands".
So I couldn't fall asleep yesterday and I thought of my low-level bricked wii. That day I watched a bunch of phone repair videos. He took out a flash memory chip from a phone and soldered it to a USB drive and recovered the data.
Could this be possible with the Wii? Take out the flash chip, solder to a USB, and flash a backup NAND?
While finding a picture of the flash memory, I found someone who took a flash chip from a USB and made "two nands".
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