Popular 3DS Theme site 3DSThem.es has recently shut down due to "
financial difficulties". Any attempt to access the site now results in a 522 error, as seen above. The Themely repo on GitHub was also archived around the same time. I'd like to remind people that this does not mean that the themes are lost. Most of them are still available on the
3DSThem.es Archive. Given that 3DSThem.es has shut down, the Theme Browser in Themely will no longer function. This was really the only benefit of the closed-source version, so it is recommended that you switch to either the
open-source fork of Themely by ihaveamac or
Anemone3DS by astronautlevel. Don't fret, because another 3DS Theme site,
Theme Plaza, exists. Now, let's have a moment of silence for Themely and 3DSThem.es...
SOURCE: Reddit
(P.S.: Erman, 3DSThem.es's creator, is doing fine, so don't worry about him.)