I have clean roms of these two games and when put onto my DSi with Twilight Menu++, I can run then in DSi mode perfectly fine. However as soon as I apply any kind of patch, like a hack, such as Volt White/Volt White 2/Volt White 2 Redux, or use the pokemon randomizer, the roms no longer are able to run in DSi mode and state DSi binaries missing. I know that it still works and runs in DS mode but I've noticed that the game will lag and/or stutter during certain parts of the game where the original clean unmodified versions run perfectly. It's small issue and, I admit, the games still work, but I'd love to play these rom hacks/randomized games as if they were authentic carts on my DSi, it just feels so nostalgic like I'm playing these games for the first time on my DSi like I did Heartgold and White. It just kind of takes me out of the vibe and it kind of sucks. If there is no solution, I can manage I just pray that someone out there is a just as annoyed by this and way more knowledgeable about roms and homebrews and more intelligent who may have solved this already.