Pokemon Scarlet, Violet and Home source codes have been leaked
Back in October 2024, Game Freak suffered a data breach, with a hacker gaining access to GF's coding repositories and leaking internal data from the company, as well as leaking multiple source codes for Pokemon older games, with the hacker promising to release even more leaks at a later date. While the leak included source codes for older Pokemon titles, like Pokemon Platinum, Heart Gold / Soul Silver, betas for Pokemon Black and White 2, X & Y, and others, newer titles weren't included... until now.
The hacker that originally released the previous "Pokemon teraleak" (as it's referred to in the userbase), re-appeared today, this time including the entire source codes for Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, including all of their DLCs. Not only that, but this new leak also seems to include the source code for Pokemon Home, the application players use to store their Pokemon and trade them between different generations of Pokemon games.
The leaks date back to January 15th, 2024, with the codenames "titan" and "megaturtle". While the leak is quite recent to properly dissect at the moment, a quick glance from users online claim that the source codes do not contain assets for the games themselves, with only the code itself being included, probably those could be supplied from dumping/extracting the assets from the final releases, that remains unclear. Additionally, the full debug builds for the games are also leaked in a separate link, so there's plenty for dataminers to go through with this recent leak.
As with any leak, be weary of any potential malware that might get your personal data exposed, if you so choose to delve into these leaks.
User discretion is advised to its full extend.