Your petition has failed to meet the threshold of responses required to make any change to the forums of GBAtemp.
Our response:
Thank you for your petition and for your interest in our the Edge of the Forum's activities. Joke exploration has the unique ability to drive hilarious guffawing and chuckelry, while also helping to satisfy our natural curiosity about breasts, panties, and large penises. These threads indeed make a difference, and I have been fortunate to have the chance to help move them forward during my time at the GBAtemp.
With regard to your proposal, the GBAtemp Moderation Staff (GMS) has a vital mission of protecting the interests and security of GBAtemp. Each year, careful consideration goes into identifying the appropriate bullshit levels to support that mission, with final appropriations determined by the p1ngpong, or a monkey that can throw darts. It is important to recognize, moreover, that the GMS supports a wide range of laugh-related activities that complement and strengthen the GBAtemp Forum Edge program, including knock-knock jokes, image memes, the You are Banned game, and troll research and development programs. These capabilities are important to our forum security while also yielding benefits for us, for you, and for the 'tempers who have yet to join us.
The Forum Edge arena has been an area of emphasis for the p1ngpong Administration from the outset, and there are new and ground-breaking initiatives already underway. In particular, the Administration has worked with tagzard to develop a new approach for the EoF's activities that include:
- tomfoolery
- grabassing
- rib-tickling
- ass-kissing
- petition disruption
- quelling of violent protests
All of this will be undertaken while also supporting robust programs in EoF science that are important to understanding our internet home and unlocking the mysteries of our senses of humor.
These initiatives represent a significant step forward in terms of enhancing the long-term affordability and sustainability of EoF threads, increasing the number of possible jokes, and rethinking how we conduct some of these activities. For example, we may begin allowing necrobumping in the EoF. At the same time, GBAtemp's total thread count will continue to expand exponentially. Taken as a whole, I would say that this is an exciting and innovative program – one that is capable of achieving meaningful goals, while being mindful of the forum's current fiscal challenges.
Thank you again for your interest and I hope that you will continue to be a dedicated supporter of our forum's EoF activities in the years and decades ahead.
Vulpes Abnocto is the Global Moderator with enormous balls that dwarf the heads of most 'tempers. Gaze in wonder as they sway.