Question: Does anyone know if the og 3ds have 2 wifi card (one for 3ds and one for DS) or is it shared?
Problem: It seems my 3ds is having a wifi problem especially on the DS side of it
Normal 3ds wifi is working fine but when trying to enter the Nintendo DS connections it freezes when looking for a wifi
I am also unable to load a Pokemon Diamond/Platinum save (A communication error has occured blue screen) with both cartridge (official) and roms
Making a new game work but once I save then relaunch it it gives me this blue screen error
Trying a new game and rushing to the GTS also immediately gives me this error so I'm confident it is wifi related, as the OG cartridge works fine on a DS Lite
Thanks for the help.
Question: Does anyone know if the og 3ds have 2 wifi card (one for 3ds and one for DS) or is it shared?
Problem: It seems my 3ds is having a wifi problem especially on the DS side of it
Normal 3ds wifi is working fine but when trying to enter the Nintendo DS connections it freezes when looking for a wifi
I am also unable to load a Pokemon Diamond/Platinum save (A communication error has occured blue screen) with both cartridge (official) and roms
Making a new game work but once I save then relaunch it it gives me this blue screen error
Trying a new game and rushing to the GTS also immediately gives me this error so I'm confident it is wifi related, as the OG cartridge works fine on a DS Lite
Thanks for the help.