PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) is a fully featured multimedia device, capable of handling not just awe-inspiring games, but all your photos, music, movies, your downloads, your Internet, your entire digital life…
The PLAYSTATION 3 is a revolutionary digital entertainment hub. At its core it provides the best possible gaming experience. In addition to great gaming, the PLAYSTATION 3 has a built-in and expandable hard disk drive allowing for the easy storage, transfer and management of your digital photos, video and music. It adopts Blu-ray Disc technology, providing more storage of gaming content and the ability to playback high definition movies. It has a 1 giga bit Ethernet Port and built-in wireless connectivity (Wi-Fi), plus it features a comprehensive web browser allowing you to surf the web from your TV.
It supports a variety of inputs from USB to Bluetooth, allowing you to plug in everything from a keyboard to your digital camera. The PLAYSTATION 3 moves your digital lifestyle from the office to the living room.
PLAYSTATION 3 is the most advanced computer entertainment system ever created, featuring new technologies and capabilities such as the Cell Broadband Engine, Blu-ray Disc, HDMI output and 1080p resolution. PS3 also comes with an internal (40, 80, 120GB) hard drive, the new Dualshock 3 controller that has the so called SIXAXIS motion-sensor and free network gameplay, everything that will make this system relevant for the next decade.
- Wikipedia
Playstation Network
THE PLAYSTATION NETWORK (PSN) is Sony's answer to Microsoft Live, it basically allows every PlayStation 3 owner to experience the built-in online capabilities of the system and enjoy online connectivity. When connecting the PS3 to a broadband Internet connection, access to the network is immediately available with free services including network gaming, access to the PlayStation Store, Web browsing, chatting with friends, and more. Several PlayStation 3 software launch titles feature online-networked gameplay modes accessible through the PSN with no associated subscription fees.
Some PSN content is also available to PSP and PC users.
Official Firmware
PS3 features DivX playback and the latest firmware (v2.60 as of 02/04/2009) includes expanded capabilities to show and organize pictures and guest access to the PlayStation Store.
Thanks to Miss jalaneme for the video.
GBAtemp PSN Players
Forum Name / PSN login
Check a more updated updated list on this thread..
VVoltz / VVoltz
hankchill / hankchill
ZeWarrior / ZeWarrior
enigmaindex / enigmaindex
TaMs / tamss
sirAnger / sirAnger
jalaneme / HUYI
kaotic_azn / default42
SpikeyNDS / SpikeyNDS
Marxian / Marxian
Nottulys / Nottulys
Bob Loblaw / GonzoCorleon
Lyuse / Lyuse
Devil May Cry / FluffyMexican
Supah Eirian / IKENOI
reym / rey916
blueskies / suaav
Myke / MechaJew
DarkRey / rey916
p1ngpong / steelstel
ZAFdeltaforce / zafdeltaforce
shadowkillerdragon / hellsxninja
pitoui / pitoui69
Supah Eirian / ikenoi
tom9927 / tom9927
Apex / Velius0
Neveras / Neveras07
Sephi / Sephi1n6
Cablephish / Cablephish
Joe88 / xJoe88x
Hermessz / Dan_Han
Raikiri / Rood-Mormel
Ulquiorratono / Tragoedia
JohnnyCheeks / JnYChKS
luke_c / chelseablueboy13
RipDime / RiP_DimebagD
Tropicana / ojsinnerz
kboxer / kboxer1
Shakraka / Shakraka
jphriendly / jphriendly
James / BearEggs
Spiridow / JustcOne
Niteblood / PurpleFries
D.J.W. / player6969696969
GoKoU / ImGoKoU
SoLuckys / SoLuckys94b
chao1212 / chao1212
cribby08 / annatar3
arsenalrider / Arsenal-Rider
ChaosBoi / XFBoi
Mattjd / matthedoormat
Livin_in_a_box /Livin_in_a_box
ENDscape / reidagger
Parasite X / Parasite X
bik75 / somebodybetter75
Lyuse / Lyuse
Mimoy / Mimoy
flyingpenguin / rc_1234
Itoku / Suzurioshi_
Nikj14 / Nikj14
Golds / Golds
n8vosburgh / n8vosburgh
alexlee01 / alexlee01
Legobot / Plasticrobot
Fye_DX / FyeDX
Kiwovo / adi518
Teelow / NATA-Killer
(Sorry about the dupes)
So, 360 or PS3?
The PS3 is the most expensive system right now, but let's look at the out-of-the-box features:
- Wired and wireless connectivity
- 80 or 120GB harddrive
- bluRay movies player with all the features from the most expensive players
- DVD upscaling to 1080p
- Bluetooth connectivity, you can connect and print on any Bluetooth printers
- Access to downlodable content, the library is huge. Movies and TV series
- Free online play
- Access to HOME a virtual world to interact with people
- Overall, the downlodable content is cheaper on the PlayStation Store (than XB Live I mean)
Still, these are the features the PS3 is missing, still to this day:
- Unified Internet connectivity, each game has you do something different to play online, multiple accounts, etc.
- HOME is basically pointless at this moment, go online and do.... nothing
- PS3 versions are the worst among the multi platform releases, not in all cases, but in the majority
- Sony is loosing support from 3rd parties, MS is spending too much money bringing studios to develop for the 360
- In downloadable content in general, the PS3 lacks behind the 360
- Loading times are terribly annoying for level change and for installation
- While the Hard Drive is much much bigger, the downloaded and installed content overall takes much more space than on the 360
In general, the PS3 is a great console and you cannot go wrong if you get it, really!.
Essential PS3 Games
The top picks, loosely based on the voting in the GBAtemp [Essential] PS3 Games Thread.
Package Games:
Resistance: Fall of Man *PS3 exclusive
Resistance 2 * PS3exclusive
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction *PS3 exclusive
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune*PS3 exclusive
Warhawk*PS3 exclusive
Unreal Tournament 3
Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion
Motor Storm*PS3 exclusive
Rock Band 1&2
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
Guitar Hero: World Tour
Call of Duty 4
Call of Duty: World at War
Burnout Paradise
Folklore*PS3 exclusive
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 1 & 2
Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds*PS3 exclusive
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots*PS3 exclusive
Metal Gear Solid Online*PS3 exclusive
Gran Turismo 5: Prologue*PS3 exclusive
LOL, sorry:
Grand Theft Auto 4
Heavenly Sword*PS3 exclusive
Soul Calibur 4
Tom Clancy's EndWar
Fallout 3
Street Fighter IV
Valkyria Chronicles*PS3 exclusive
LittleBigPlanet*PS3 exclusive
Killzone 2*PS3 exclusive
Resistance 2 * PS3exclusive
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction *PS3 exclusive
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune*PS3 exclusive
Warhawk*PS3 exclusive
Unreal Tournament 3
Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion
Motor Storm*PS3 exclusive
Rock Band 1&2
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
Guitar Hero: World Tour
Call of Duty 4
Call of Duty: World at War
Burnout Paradise
Folklore*PS3 exclusive
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 1 & 2
Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds*PS3 exclusive
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots*PS3 exclusive
Metal Gear Solid Online*PS3 exclusive
Gran Turismo 5: Prologue*PS3 exclusive
LOL, sorry:
Grand Theft Auto 4
Heavenly Sword*PS3 exclusive
Soul Calibur 4
Tom Clancy's EndWar
Fallout 3
Street Fighter IV
Valkyria Chronicles*PS3 exclusive
LittleBigPlanet*PS3 exclusive
Killzone 2*PS3 exclusive
Download only games:
Calling all Cars*PS3 exclusive
Everyday Shooter*PS3 exclusive
Super Stardust HD*PS3 exclusive
Tekken: Dark Resurrection Online Bundle*PS3 exclusive (Supports Online Play)
Gran Turismo Concept HD*PS3 exclusive
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
PixelJunk Monsters*PS3 exclusive
flOW*PS3 exclusive
Pain*PS3 exclusive
The Last Guy*PS3 exclusive
WipeOut HD*PS3 exclusive
Super Street Figher 2 HD
Everyday Shooter*PS3 exclusive
Super Stardust HD*PS3 exclusive
Tekken: Dark Resurrection Online Bundle*PS3 exclusive (Supports Online Play)
Gran Turismo Concept HD*PS3 exclusive
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
PixelJunk Monsters*PS3 exclusive
flOW*PS3 exclusive
Pain*PS3 exclusive
The Last Guy*PS3 exclusive
WipeOut HD*PS3 exclusive
Super Street Figher 2 HD
More games on the way. Thread layout licensed by Opium.
Thread layout licensed by Opium. Check the other official discussion topics:
XBOX 360
PlayStation Portable
December 07: Another off topic thing guys, I had (drian) to return my PS3 because I needed the money... :'(, seriously.
January 08: Yes!!, I got myself a PS3, now I'm happy