Odin Sphere HD texture Vita3K


New Member
Sep 9, 2024
Hmm that can happen if the textures are not dumped the right way by the emulator.
The emulator is dumping every new frame ,which can result in 1000s of textures there is nothing you can do about it ,but to upscale every frame which can be way too much.
Are those character or field textures that gets dumped multiple time ?
If that its only one of them you can upscale just one of thoss if both,maybe the game can not be upscaled now and you have to wait for future Update to maybe fix that.
Mostly field textures. But It's not that 1000s of textures are dumped at the same time, but same areas of the game exporting diferently named textures at different times. Let me show you with an example, this one is annoying me the most:
Captura de pantalla 2024-09-18 152241.png
Captura de pantalla 2024-09-18 152310.png

On the first image every texture has been replaced without issue.
Now if I leave the area and come back, the cutlery is no longer replaced and the emulator exports a new texture file for it.

This actually happens every time I exit and re-enter the area, a new texture file is exported.

This has happend with other elements to an extend, but I could just replace every variation of the texture and it would work. With this, It seems to never stop.

It maybe a lost cause, it's just a minor detail anyway.

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