To celebrate the new year, the video capture feature is now provided to be tested. The new feature is contained in the NTR cfw as a matter of now, however, it might be released as a plugin separately after being completed.
Hold the R and ↑ button anytime you want to capture videos ,and the new 3DS will capture and store the 30 seconds long video before you press the buttons into SD card.
Yes,the gameplay before you press the buttons,and about 30 seconds long !Just like what Nintendo Switch does. Using this new feature, you will be able to capture highlights of your gameplay and share them to your friends.
1. There are limits to this new feature,only New 3DS can use it,and audio will not be recorded.
2.How to use it. After lauching NTR CFW, hold X+Y button to get to menu and select Enable Quick Record to activate the video capture. After that you can hold R and ↑ button anytime to save the video.
3.When capture is started, pink color will flash on your screen, while the capture will be end after green screen appears.
4.The video recorded will be save to the root of SD card and in AVI format. As the limit of hardware, the video will be 90° rotated,and coded in MJPEG. You can use ffmpeg to convert it to MP4.
The command should be
ffmpeg -i rec_XXXX.avi -vf "transpose=2" out.mp4
All credits to @cell9
作为新年的庆祝活动的一部分,NTR 的快捷录屏功能现在可以提供测试了。目前这个功能集成在 NTR 的内部,完善之后会以独立的插件提供。
在任意时刻按下快捷键(R+UP),就可以录制按下快捷键之前 30 秒左右的视频,并保存在SD卡中。
没错,是按下快捷键之前 30 秒左右的视频!使用这个功能,可以很方便地录制游戏过程中的精彩部分并分享给朋友观看。
1、目前存在一些限制:仅支持 New3DS,且只能录制游戏画面、不能录制音频。
2、使用方法:启动 NTR 后,在 X+Y 菜单中选择 Enable Quick Record 激活录屏功能。此后在任何时刻均可以按下 R+UP 快捷键,将视频录制到 SD 卡中。
4、录制的视频以 AVI 格式保存至 SD 卡根目录中。由于硬件能力的限制,录制的视频以 MJPEG 格式编码且旋转了 90 度。可以使用 ffmpeg 命令行工具,将视频旋转后转换为 MP4 格式,命令如下:
ffmpeg -i rec_XXXX.avi -vf "transpose=2" out.mp4
To celebrate the new year, the video capture feature is now provided to be tested. The new feature is contained in the NTR cfw as a matter of now, however, it might be released as a plugin separately after being completed.
Hold the R and ↑ button anytime you want to capture videos ,and the new 3DS will capture and store the 30 seconds long video before you press the buttons into SD card.
Yes,the gameplay before you press the buttons,and about 30 seconds long !Just like what Nintendo Switch does. Using this new feature, you will be able to capture highlights of your gameplay and share them to your friends.
1. There are limits to this new feature,only New 3DS can use it,and audio will not be recorded.
2.How to use it. After lauching NTR CFW, hold X+Y button to get to menu and select Enable Quick Record to activate the video capture. After that you can hold R and ↑ button anytime to save the video.
3.When capture is started, pink color will flash on your screen, while the capture will be end after green screen appears.
4.The video recorded will be save to the root of SD card and in AVI format. As the limit of hardware, the video will be 90° rotated,and coded in MJPEG. You can use ffmpeg to convert it to MP4.
The command should be
ffmpeg -i rec_XXXX.avi -vf "transpose=2" out.mp4
All credits to @cell9
Last edited by pdapanda,