94%, that's a pretty high score.
QUOTE said:' You've already showed your friends Super Mario Galaxy. It gave you the same feeling as when you saw Ridge Racer on the PSOne, or Super Mario 64 on N64, or Soul Calibur on the Dreamcast - games that you could stick on your telly and say "look - this is a brilliant, brilliant game." Well, No More Heroes is another game like that; something that will awe people.
'Anywhere else and No More Heroes would still be hatstand chicken-punching bonkers, but nowhere else would it be so entirely at home than on the console with the crazy split-in-two controller and the arm-flapping games. Like the Wii, none of it should work, but like the Wii, everything does. Brilliantly.'
and this month's Edge scores...
QUOTEBurnout Paradise - [9]
The Club - [7]
No More Heroes - [9]
Geometry Wars Galaxies - [7]
NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams - [6]
R-Type Tactics - [6]
Universe At War - [6]
Pain - [6]
Speedball 2 Tournament - [5]
Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow - [6]
Soldier of Fortune: Payback - [4]
Soul Calibur Legends - [2]
Dragoneer's Aria - [4]