Just a short while back, Team Meat's Edmund McMillen tossed around the possibility of bringing his game, The Binding of Isaac, to Nintendo 3DS. Today, the developer has confirmed that Nintendo has turned him down.
"...After a long internal debate Nintendo has decided NOT to allow the Binding of Isaac on the 3ds," McMillen posted on his Twitter page.
For those unfamiliar with the game, The Binding of Isaac is an extremely challenging, old-school-style action-RPG. The story is a radical play off of the biblical account of Abraham's binding of his son Isaac and offering him as a sacrifice to God. The Binding of Isaac game (PC/Mac) is a decidedly more disturbing story -- complete with dead babies and a journey through your mother's womb -- and according to McMillen, Nintendo cited "questionable religious content" as their reason for denying the game access to their handheld platform.
"Thank GOD Steam exists," McMillen concluded.
Source: Twitter, Steam
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