First Nintendo introduces Club Nintendo in Japan allowing people who buy first party Nintendo games to register them for points to purchase things. They then announced that they would bring this model to Europe and America by the end of that year. Well, Europe got their version. America? We still only get crappy wallpapers for registering our games.
Now Nintendo announces that Europe will be able to trade their star points (what they get for registering games) for Wii points.
And we still just get wallpapers....
EDIT: I have 36 games registered. I want something more than stupid wallpapers. I want the Club Nintendo that they promised.
Now Nintendo announces that Europe will be able to trade their star points (what they get for registering games) for Wii points.
And we still just get wallpapers....
EDIT: I have 36 games registered. I want something more than stupid wallpapers. I want the Club Nintendo that they promised.