Nintendo Forecasting 17.76 Million Switches by March 3rd 2018
Currently, the global Switch hardware sales sit at 14.86 million units, with software sales at 52.57 million units.
"For the nine months ended December 31, 2017, the Nintendo Switch hardware sold well following the launch and sales volume rose substantially during the holiday season. For the Nintendo Switch software, SUPER MARIO ODYSSEY was released in October and has been a big hit, with global sales reaching 9.07 million units. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, released in April, has sold 7.33 million units, and Splatoon 2, released in July, has sold 4.91 million units, bringing to 8 the total number of million-seller titles for this fiscal year including the titles of other software publishers. The result is that hardware sales during this period totalled 12.13 million units, and software sales volume totalled 47.10 million units."
Very impressive for such a short time on the market, but can Nintendo really shift another 3 million units in just 2 months?
Nintendo Sales
Nintendo Switch Financials PDF