Ok, so I played up to the last level twice today on my Vita with no crashes. If anybody does experience a crash for whatever reason, try shortening the name of the PAK file.
Mirror Link:
@dragonz for putting in further work on this and sharing it.
Thanks for testing the game and your patience, I'm so happy vita users can enjoy this game fully optimized for the Vita.
Also thanks for the permanent link and it's been added to the OP.
Here's the log for developers of what changed in order for the optimization to take place and for my own history reminder.
Custom chase scripts A.I Idle animations were replaced with standards default values a.k.a removed the 1,1 values hence when you loose all your lives and are prompted to select a character, the enemies will not just stand idle because their idle animation scripts were taxing on the vita when compared to PC users. This was in part do to their @ clearL scripts.
Removed background 6 from stage 2b
Do the page size memory allocation values on the vita and crashed the game do to it's paralax effect.
Not only did we removed background 6 but I merged it with panel9 to keep the background instead of a black screen.
Paralax effect however was lost.
Added the load 3 option to multiple entities to free up memory in each specific stage.
Example: opening Garage door wouldn't be needed again unless you replayed the game so by adding a load 3 option we discard the garage door from memory and only load it again if necessary.
It is my understanding that these optimizations aren't really necessary
For PC users but if you by any chance happen to own a very low spec computer, android device or the game crash on your switch, this new version might help alleviate that.