Liberals infighting and attacking their own is nothing that new, but this raises things to an entirely new level. Liberal Twitter Activists (ROFL, sorry, those words/that label just brings about laughter) attacked the Lesbian Liberal talk show host for sitting next to ex-President George W Bush.
I guess, just like in grade school, if you sit next to someone you must be gawked at. This is even lower than proceeding with certain inquires based on the word of someone who overheard two other people talking about something they themselves overheard.
Are Liberals really this petty? Can any of them explain why it's a mortal sin to simply sit next to someone? Surely, you've never sat next to someone you might not share views with? What a fucking joke. I sit next to homeless, smelly bums every time I get on the bus or the train and I'm sure they didn't vote for Trump. Am I committing some unwritten crime for sitting next to someone that I might not agree with? LOL. Morons!
I guess, just like in grade school, if you sit next to someone you must be gawked at. This is even lower than proceeding with certain inquires based on the word of someone who overheard two other people talking about something they themselves overheard.
Are Liberals really this petty? Can any of them explain why it's a mortal sin to simply sit next to someone? Surely, you've never sat next to someone you might not share views with? What a fucking joke. I sit next to homeless, smelly bums every time I get on the bus or the train and I'm sure they didn't vote for Trump. Am I committing some unwritten crime for sitting next to someone that I might not agree with? LOL. Morons!